Apr 21, 2019 · Passwords that are easy for you to remember can also be easy for others to guess. This makes your personal data more vulnerable to hacking, which can lead to financial fraud and identity theft. In fact, research shows over half of data breaches involve leveraging weak, stolen or default passwords. 6 Tips for Creating a Strong Password

When creating a strong password, length matters. Try to make sure it's at least eight to 10 characters. Complexity also helps. For instance, a six-letter, lowercase password could take five minutes to break; one with nine letters could take two months. Mar 27, 2020 · In addition to your online accounts, you also need strong passwords for all of your devices, especially if you carry them with you in public. In addition to passwords, most operating systems support some form of biometric verification. How to create a strong password video transcript: We use passwords for many different websites. And if you're like most people your password has been hacked at least once. And if you use the same password for other websites all someone needs is your web browsing history & then pretty soon your online banking account could be targeted next. These two methods can generate random and secure passwords that are as easy to remember as your favorite song or constellation. In addition to strong passwords, experts also recommend turning on multi-factor authentication. A wide variety of websites support multi-factor authentication today, including Dropbox, Gmail and most banking websites.

Feb 03, 2014 · Passwords are an essential part of life online - and if we're not careful about keeping them secret, they can cause big problems. By understanding the risks and making passwords stronger, we can Strong passwords protect online accounts and digital devices from data theft. But there have been some important changes many people can overlook. In recent years, cybersecurity experts' recommendations on what constitutes a strong password has changed. Jul 23, 2018 · Creating Strong Passwords A strong password is one that is difficult for others to uncover or guess, but easy for you to remember. Follow these helpful hints to create a strong password:

Jul 23, 2018 · Creating Strong Passwords A strong password is one that is difficult for others to uncover or guess, but easy for you to remember. Follow these helpful hints to create a strong password:

The best passwords are random and strong enough to thwart a brute force or dictionary attack. Find out how to create good, easy-to-remember passwords here. We use cookies and similar technologies to recognize your repeat visits and preferences, to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, and improve our websites.