Well that looks ok to me. Maybe someone else will see something. Without me going through each one and reiterating it here, simply google Local Access only and read through some of them, trying the ones you can understand. But, as I said earlier I had a computer with this problem recently and was only able to solve it by reloading the operating system.

The dreaded “unidentified network error” is a common issue and countless numbers of people are giving up on Vista just because of the Windows Unidentified Network Error Vista - Unidentified Network, Local Only, And Sometimes Vista - Unidentified Network, Local Only, And Sometimes Limited - posted in Windows Vista: Yeah so, i tried fixing it myself using youtube and google but that didnt work ahha. so anyone mind Vista gives me "Local Only" "Unidentified" network, and a 2008-8-26 Unidentified Network - Local Access Only | Vista Forums 2007-8-6

Unidentified Network with Local Access Only on Acer Laptop

2013-1-7 · I am trying to have my Compaq Presario Laptop with Windows Vista connect to my Wifi Network. This problem: Unidentified Network, Local Only - Has never happened before. This laptop had worked for 2-3 years without such problem. I recently "un-checked the Enable Wireless Access" option in the Admin page of our Netgear. It caused all of our wireless connections, unable to connect. Vista Wireless Unidentified Network Local Only? | Yahoo 2011-12-21 · I have recently set up a new router for my home. 2 laptops work perfectly fine on it but 1 doesn't. It comes up Unidentified Network (public) and local only internet connection. It wont let me change it from public to private. It is a Vista Laptop if that helps. :( HELP please!! Thank you x

Vista Ultimate x64 - Local Only - Unknown Network wordt meestal veroorzaakt door onjuist geconfigureerde systeeminstellingen of onregelmatige vermeldingen in het Windows-register. Deze fout kan worden opgelost met speciale software die het register herstelt en systeeminstellingen afstelt om de stabiliteit te herstellen

Solved: Unidentified network - access local only - HP