Count Installed Packages with dpkg Count Installed Packages with apt-get. We can also use apt and apt-get for installed package counting like below. $ apt list --installed | wc -l Search and Filter In Installed Packages with dpkg and grep. What if we are looking for a specific package and want to …

Ubuntu ‘apt-get’ list of commands (list, update, upgrade Nov 02, 2019 bash - Check if an apt-get package is installed and then indeed - for your test case with "hello" package "dpkg -s" correctly shows the package as not installed and gives expected exit code "1". But try the same instal/remove check with package "certbot", then you'll see "Status: deinstall ok config-files" as the "dpkg -s" output after your "apt remove certbot" and exit code is incorrectly shows us "0". Debian -- Debian Packages Search

Apr 24, 2019

Listing Available Packages. After the cache is populated, use the apt-cache command to search the cache to find the packages in which you are interested or to get information about an available package. Here are examples of the search and show sub-commands: cumulus@switch:~$ apt-cache search tcp socat - multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer fakeroot - tool for simulating superuser How to perform OS, Security and Updates on Debian

Linux apt-get command help and examples - Computer Hope

May 07, 2017 Apt get tutorial – manage packages on ubuntu/debian Manage packages from the commandline. The more common way to manage packages or … How to Uninstall / Remove Ubuntu Software Packages Sep 04, 2019 Ubuntu ‘apt-get’ list of commands (list, update, upgrade Nov 02, 2019