The US government, with assistance from major telecommunications carriers including AT&T, has engaged in massive, illegal dragnet surveillance of the domestic communications and communications records of millions of ordinary Americans since at least 2001. Since this was first reported on by the press and discovered by the public in late 2005, EFF has been at the forefront of the effort to stop

WikiLeaks: Here's how the CIA hacks your phones, TVs and PCs. The organization releases thousands of documents it claims show how the US spy agency can crack open devices from Apple, Samsung Article Summary. The government runs a program called Lifeline Assistance which gives low income Americans access to free cell phones and inexpensive cell phone plans. To qualify for the program, you'll need to meet certain income criteria, or be enrolled in a program like Food Stamps (SNAP) or Medicaid. Oct 21, 2015 · Federal law enforcement officials, in testimony on Capitol Hill, gave some long-awaited answers Wednesday about how they use secret devices to track Americans' cell phones. May 07, 2008 · Mind Control by Cell Phone. Electromagnetic signals from cell phones can change your brainwaves and behavior. But don't break out the aluminum foil head shield just yet. Jul 03, 2018 · Your phone isn’t listening to you, researchers say, but it may be watching everything you do New, 29 comments There’s a new conspiracy theory in town Dec 16, 2019 · “The Chinese government’s nefarious efforts to censor information inside free societies around the world cannot be accepted and pose serious long-term challenges to the US and our allies.”

Jul 03, 2018 · Your phone isn’t listening to you, researchers say, but it may be watching everything you do New, 29 comments There’s a new conspiracy theory in town

Mar 09, 2017 · Even without the government looking over our shoulders, social media makes it easy to give away a lot of privacy on our own, posting vacation photos and other personal details.

Aug 15, 2015 · Through Android, Google knows nearly every Wi-Fi password in the world. Both Apple and Google track your phone’s movements with location-based services . Google scans your emails in order to

Jan 15, 2017 · Any government interested in who you are meeting with could play a tone through the TV and effectively ping all the phones in the room, identifying the whole group. Aug 11, 2019 · If all our phones are being watched, is our government shutting us down to find out who is following us. I think so. Technology is so advanced our government is probably always one step ahead of us. If all our phones are being watched, is the government shutting us down so we don’t find out who is watching us. May 07, 2019 · Probably, but hopefully they're not watching us through our phone. as all ordinariy people don't know The government is so far ahead now, that's old hat. Apple has assured U.S. lawmakers that it is not spying on iPhone users. The company clams third-party apps are not doing so either. (Image credit: Tom's Guide) Yes, you are being watched. Not necessarily 24/7 but if you type key words, they can watch you. Not only law enforcement, but any hacker with the knowledge to hack your system. WikiLeaks: Here's how the CIA hacks your phones, TVs and PCs. The organization releases thousands of documents it claims show how the US spy agency can crack open devices from Apple, Samsung