Click the Connect button on the right hand side of Ventrilo to connect to the server. If you were not able to connect, make sure everything matches the information exactly how you were given. Most errors caused by copy/paste errors, extra spaces on the end of the server information, or typing in the information incorrectly.

10 Player Ventrilo Voice Servers for $3.95. See more Ventrilo deals at! You can use it to change the look of Ventrilo, to mute other users, to administrate the server (if you have Administrative Privileges of course) and more. Conclusion If you would like to know more about all of the different options on the Setup window then please click the Help button. Oct 13, 2009 · Similar help and support threads Thread: Forum: Ventrilo Does Not Work I only purchased my computer yesterday and I have been installing some applications. Yesterday I installed Ventrilo and I can't get it to work. When I connect to a server, it just doesn't respond sometimes immediately and sometimes it waits a few minutes and then stops Jul 10, 2009 · Connected to server but unable to authenticate your login name and password. Make sure you entered the correct global server password or the password for your unique login name.

Dec 16, 2007 · Ventrilo Client: 1.Open the Ventrilo program and create a new username. 2.Open the server tab and fill in the IP/Hostname of the server you want to connect to, password if applicable. 3.Click Connect and find the channel you want. Ventrilo Server: 1.Download the latest Server Program from the Ventrilo Site.

hi friends we have a ventrilo server. it is for people to sit in and hopefully speak IP: port: 4605 there is no password. all are welcome. i will be

hi friends we have a ventrilo server. it is for people to sit in and hopefully speak IP: port: 4605 there is no password. all are welcome. i will be

Ventrilo Server Hosting by RitmoHost. Get your Guild ventrilo servers starting at $.25/slot! Instant setup, 24/7 Presidential grade support, and superior network stability at affordable prices! 21 World Wide Locations! Jul 01, 2010 · I tried "" and it said "Adress is invlad. is the modems address" I don't know what ipaddresss each router uses. If your talking about the one i use to get to my router ( the one i thought was the only one) is, and im pretty sure the modem connects directly to the internet. Ventrilo 4 Server + Custom Hostname 1 Month Price - $2.00 USD + $1.00 USD Setup Fee Quarterly - Semi Annual - Annual - Billing Available "My Ventrilo Server" is a server that could really use any people. Tolerance: Very high Known # of admins: 1 Hostname/IP: port #: 7989 Password: boat40under '' - Public Ventrilo Server. SupremeVoice Communications 'Zybez Ventrilo' ( is a public Ventrilo, but consists of many Runescape players. The Ventrilo server doesn't actually run as a service, instead there is another program called "ventrilo_svc.exe" that is the real service program. This service program is responsible for starting up the "ventrilo_srv.exe" server program after the service is loaded. Ventrilo is comprised of two primary Components: The Client that every end user will need to download, and the Server. Only one person needs to host a Server that all of the other Clients will